2 men fined S$11,000 for possession of scorpion, importing leopard geckos


SINGAPORE: Two men were fined a combined S$11,000 for wildlife-related offences this week, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) announced on Thursday (Jul 19). 

In a press release, AVA said that 27-year-old Muhammad Effendi Roslan was fined S$6,000 for the possession of an Indian star tortoise, a scorpion, a red-bellied short-necked turtle and two corn snakes. 

AVA had received feedback from the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) in February last year about the alleged sale of illegal wildlife on online marketplace Carousell.

Following an investigation, a raid was carried out at Effendi’s home, where the animals were found and seized. The animals were later placed under the care of Wildlife Reserves Singapore.

AVA wildlife fine

Lawrence Wee Soon Chye was fined S$5,000 for illegally importing five leopard geckos into Singapore. (Photo: AVA)

In the second case, 52-year-old Lawrence Wee Soon Chye was fined S$5,000 for illegally importing five leopard geckos into Singapore. 

The live geckos were found in June last year hidden inside two pillows on the rear passenger seat of a Singapore-registered car at Woodlands Checkpoint. They were seized and placed under the care of Wildlife Reserves Singapore.

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