Apparently, trading blows is not enough in a fight these days. One has to dab his hand in saliva and slap his opponent as well.
A video shared on by Ini Slee Roux appears to show a road rage incident, but takes an even more bizarre turn towards the end.
The clip shows the two men punching and wrestling each other before falling onto a nearby grass patch at the carpark of Orto leisure park in Yishun.
The younger of the two men manages to get the upper hand at this point, despite having his t-shirt ripped.
A youth rushes to pull them apart, followed by an older individual.
Another youth then arrives, and the three of them manage to separate the two men.
Others can be seen looking on from a distance, including the person who filmed the incident.
The two men were later arrested by the police, The Straits Times reported.
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