2 COVID-19 cases visited HomeTeamNS Khatib on 5 occasions during their infectious period


SINGAPORE: Cleaning and disinfection at HomeTeamNS Khatib has been stepped up after two individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 visited the newly opened clubhouse, HomeTeamNS told CNA on Thursday (Aug 13).

On Wednesday, HomeTeamNS Khatib was among the new locations added to the Health Ministry’s (MOH) list of public places visited by COVID-19 community cases during their infectious period.

The two COVID-19 cases who visited HomeTeamNS Khatib, located at 2 Yishun Walk, did so on five occasions over four days between Jul 31 and Aug 3.

READ: HomeTeamNS Khatib, Warren Golf and Country Club among new locations visited by COVID-19 cases while infectious

Two of those occasions, in the afternoon and evening of Aug 1, involved visits to Suki-Suki Thai Hot Pot and Orchid Live Seafood restaurants in the clubhouse.

The visitors, who are currently in hospital, were asymptomatic at the time of their visit, HomeTeamNS said.

MAP: All the places that COVID-19 community cases visited while they were infectious

HomeTeamNS was contacted by MOH on Tuesday and is currently working with the ministry on contact tracing, it said.

“None of our staff has been affected, but we are closely monitoring their health for 14 days from the date of contact. Staff members with fever or symptoms are advised to see a doctor immediately,” HomeTeamNS added.

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Affected areas in HomeTeam NS Khatib were disinfected after COVID-19 cases visited the clubhouse during their infectious period in August 2020. (Photo: Facebook/HomeTeamNS)

Affected outlets and all common areas at the HomeTeamNS Khatib clubhouse were thoroughly disinfected on Wednesday by a National Environment Agency-appointed cleaning agency, said HomeTeamNS.

“The clubhouse has also stepped up its cleaning and disinfection at all common and high touch areas.”

HomeTeamNS Khatib opened to the public on Aug 1, and is the newest of six HomeTeamNS clubhouses catering to operationally ready national servicemen (NSmen) from the Singapore Police Force and the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

It spans 1.5 hectares and is designed to serve 85,000 members.

BOOKMARK THIS: Our comprehensive coverage of the coronavirus outbreak and its developments

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