18 PMDs, 2 e-bikes seized by LTA in islandwide operation


SINGAPORE: A total of 18 personal mobility devices (PMDs) and two power-assisted bicycles (PABs) were seized from errant retailers by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) in an islandwide “sting operation”. 

The operation was held from Jul 17 to Aug 2 on 18 retailers of PMDs and PABs, said LTA in a news release on Tuesday (Aug 14). 

LTA added that among the retailers, five were found either displaying or advertising non-compliant devices. 

Non-compliant PMDs are devices that exceed 20kg in unladen weight, 70cm in width, and 25km/h in device speed if motorised. 

Meanwhile, non-compliant PABs, also known as e-bikes, are devices that do not fulfil the PAB technical requirements such as those exceeding 250W of power output rating or having start-up assistance throttle. 

PMD 2, Aug 14

An impounded overweight PMD weighing 49.74kg. (Photo: Land Transport Authority)

Under the Active Mobility Act (AMA) and the Road Traffic Act (RTA), only devices that comply with prescribed criteria can be used on public paths and roads, said LTA. 

First-time offenders can be fined up to S$1,000 and/or jailed up to three months. 

LTA added that it was also an offence for retailers to sell non-compliant devices or modify a customer’s device to a non-compliant state for use on public paths or roads. 

Those found guilty can be fined up to $5,000 and/or jailed up to three months.

LTA PMD warning notice

Five retailers were also caught for not displaying LTA’s prescribed warning notice, said the authority.

“Retailers of PMDs and PABs are required to display warning notices on their premises stating, among other things, the technical criteria for different devices and where they are allowed to be used,” added LTA. 

Those found guilty of failing to display these notices can be fined up to S$1,000 and/or jailed up to three months. 

“Enforcement blitzes against errant retailers will help to tackle the issue of non-compliant devices upstream,” said LTA, adding that it will continue to actively enforce against such retailers. 

“Members of the public are also advised to exercise caution and ensure they only purchase compliant devices if they wish to use the devices on public paths or roads.”

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