18 months' jail for mother who threw baby down rubbish chute in Bedok



After she gave birth to a baby in the toilet, she put her breathing child into a plastic bag, tied it and threw it down a rubbish chute.

Then she cleaned up the bloody mess, had a shower and went back to sleep.

Yesterday, the 27-year-old woman was jailed for 18 months for trying to kill her newborn.

The accused, who cannot be named due to a court order to protect the identity of her son, pleaded guilty to attempted culpable homicide by throwing him down the rubbish chute from the third storey of a Housing Board block of flats in Bedok North at 6.15am on Jan 7.

She claimed that until she gave birth, she was not aware that she was pregnant.

The court heard that the woman, who was working two part-time jobs as a waitress and a cleaner, was at home with her brother when she experienced discomfort in her abdomen and went to the toilet.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Yan Jiakang told the court: “Although the accused had not had her usual menstrual cycle for many months and did wonder whether she might be pregnant on occasion, she had chosen not to dwell on it further.”


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