10kmh riding speed limit on footpaths among new rules to kick in on Feb 1


SINGAPORE: The Land Transport Authority (LTA) on Friday (Jan 18) announced that new rules encouraging safer path and road-sharing will be implemented on Feb 1.  

The rules, first announced in September last year, include a lower speed limit for riders on footpaths, the mandatory use of helmets by cyclists on roads, “stop and look” requirement for all active mobility device users and maximum device speed for personal mobility aids (PMAs). 

The rules are “part of ongoing efforts to foster greater rider responsibility and encourage safe sharing of our paths and roads”, the authority said in a news release.

Under the new rules, the speed limit for riding on footpaths will be lowered from the current 15kmh to 10kmh.

“This will allow all path users more time to react to unforeseen circumstances, thus reducing the risk of accidents and severity of injuries should they happen,” said LTA.

Cyclists on roads will also now be required to wear helmets. Those who are crossing the road to get from one public path to another are exempted from this rule.

LTA path and road sharing safety

Additionally, active mobility device users must “stop and look” out for vehicles at road crossings, including zebra and signalised pedestrian crossings. Motorists are similarly expected to slow down and look out for such users as well as pedestrians, and allow them to cross. 

“Overall, this will improve the predictability of behaviour of all users, providing both device users and motorists with more reaction time, thereby reducing the risk of accidents,” said LTA.

Those caught flouting these rules may be fined up to S$1,000 and/or jailed a maximum of three months, for the first offence.

Motorised PMAs, including motorised wheelchairs and mobility scooters, will also be subjected to a maximum device speed of 10kmh on public paths. 

LTA said this is to safeguard the use of such devices by only those who genuinely need them. It is also to “prevent the abuse and modification of such devices to circumvent regulations on PMDs,” it added.

READ: FAQ – What you need to know about the new active mobility regulations

Those convicted of using a non-compliant PMA on public paths may be fined up to S$5,000 and/or given jail time of up to three months for a first offence.

Shops are also required to display warning notices on their premises from Feb 1, under the Active Mobility Act. These notices should state the technical criteria for PMAs and where they are to be used.

Retailers convicted of selling non-compliant devices or modifying any device to a non-compliant state can be fined up to S$5,000 and/or jailed up to three months for the first offence. 

Those caught displaying or advertising non-compliant PMAs can also be fined up to S$1,000 and/or jailed up to three months for the first offence.

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